
Who We Are

Heng Accounting & Tax PC is a licensed public accounting firm, delivers outstanding professional services crafted to address the unique and ongoing financial requirements of our clientele.

Our primary focus at Heng centres on small to medium-sized owner-managed businesses in British Columbia, as well as professionals and individuals. Aligned with this emphasis, we provide a diverse array of accounting and taxation services customized to our clients’ specific needs, actively participating in their business


Song Han

Certificate of In-Depth Tax Program Senior manager at an international accounting firm where I provided one-to-one personalized tax consulting services for private enterprises and high-net-worth clients, including corporate reorganizations, business and financing structures, disposition and acquisition transactions, estate and succession planning, life insurance planning and donation planning.


Chartered Professional Accountant


Certified Financial Planner


Trust and Estate Practitioner
Certificate of In-depth Tax Program

Client reviews

We deliver tangible outcomes for our clients.

“Outstanding service tailored to our business! Heng CPA has been instrumental in our financial success. A trusted partner in every sense.”

David W. West Vancouver BC

“Exceptional service! The team at Heng CPA goes above and beyond, ensuring smooth financial operations. Highly recommended!”

Jane M., Toronto ON

“Incredible expertise and personalized attention. Heng’s truly understands the complexities of US tax regulations. A valuable partner for my business.”

John S., New York

“Professionalism at its finest! Heng CPA took care of our accounting needs seamlessly. Grateful for their dedication to our success.”

Sarah L., Vancouver BC

“Reliable and efficient! Mr. Han exceeded our expectations, offering top-notch accounting solutions. Their commitment to excellence is unmatched.”


Michael P., Los Angeles

“Navigating tax complexities made easy! Song demonstrated remarkable competence in handling our US tax obligations. Truly a trusted partner.”


Jessica K., Calgary AB

“Global perspective, local expertise. Heng’s seamlessly handled our US and Canadian financial matters, ensuring compliance and peace of mind.”


Andrew B., Richmond BC